Über uns

#1 Sales Journey Partner in DACH

SalesPlaybook hilft B2B-SaaS-Gründer:innen, Sales in jeder Phase ihrer 0–20 Mio. ARR-Wachstumsreise aufzubauen und zu skalieren. Das tun wir durch praxisnahe Implementierung, Training und Coaching.

Die Werte für die wir stehen

Bottom-Line Impact

Wir tun, bauen und investieren in das, was nötig ist, um engagierte Unternehmer:innen profitabel beim Wachstum zu unterstützen. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger.

Drivers only

Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für die Ergebnisse, die wir versprechen. Wir sitzen am Steuer. Wir bringen die Dinge ins Rollen.

Still day 1

Wir sehen keine Probleme, sondern Herausforderungen und Chancen. Wir bleiben offen dafür, uns jeden Tag um 1 % zu verbessern – und bleiben demütig in der Umsetzung.

Unser Team

Lerne unser Team aus erfahrenen Consultants und Unternehmer:innen kennen

Wir sind stolz darauf, dass so viele Talente Teil unseres Teams aus Sales-Profis geworden sind. Sie prägen unseren Alltag mit Fachkompetenz, Leidenschaft und Weitblick.

Andreas Brinck
Sales Consultant
Eric Mattner
Hubspot Implementation Specialist
Florian Lussi
Miltos Stavridis
Head of Client Services & Partner
Luke Schneider
Sales Consultant
Manuel Hartmann
Co-founder & CEO
Jeremias Meier
Investor & Advisor
Fabian Geissler
Project Managment
Erik Steffen
Senior Sales Operations Consultant
Erik Plischke
Hubspot Implementation Specialist
Diego Sosa
Sales Consultant
Constantin Papadopoulos
Negotiation Mastermind
Christoph Schittny
Buyer Journey Mastermind
Chris Karger
Senior Consultant and Unit Lead Coaching
Alen Cerovina
Sales Mastermind

Wir stellen ein!

Werde Teil unseres dynamischen Teams und gestalte die Zukunft mit.

Unser Advisory Board

Patrick Trümpi
Jeremias Meier
Investor & Advisor
Lars Mangelsdorf
Julius Göllner

Wie führende B2B-Unternehmer:innen bereits mit uns erfolgreich waren

Über 350 B2B-Unternehmer:innen in der DACH-Region haben bereits mit uns ihren Umsatz schnell und effizient gesteigert.

3 solved challenges in < 6months

bexio increasing Win-Back Rate by +25% through hands-on 1:1 sales coaching in <6 months

2 solved challenges in less than 18 months

Unique scaled 0-7-figure ARR in less than 18 months.

Unique scaled 0-7-figure ARR in <18 months. Here’s how they did it despite a ICP pivot and related changes:

5 solved challenges in less than 3 months

How Skribble Wins RFPs with Value Selling in less than 9 months

Skribble Doubles ACV by Transforming to Value Selling and Outbound

7 solved challenges in under 18 months

0-2M+ ARR in 18 months

“If you can’t afford to hire senior people & need to hire people who need more training to be successful, and/or in a stage of your startup where you need to lay the base for a scalable sales process, then SalesPlaybook is for you."

1 solved challenges in less than 1 month

210% quota with the help of referrals

Jan attended one of our referral workshops and went on to achieve an impressive 210% of his sales quota.

9 solved challenges in less than 18 months

How Nexoya Tripled ARR from Six to Seven Figures and secured their Series A funding in the process

Nexoya tripled their ARR from six to seven figures and successfully raised their Series A. Here are five key learnings on how they also increased their ACV from five to six figures:

3 solved challenges in 2 Monate

HubSpot as the Single Source of Truth for the Entire Agency Group

Jung von Matt Switzerland is one of the leading creative agency groups, consisting of an ecosystem of eight agencies with over 140 experts.

3 solved challenges in under 6 weeks

153% sales target attainment in first quarter

Ramping new AE from 0 to 150% Quota in 1st quarter while enabling Head of Sales to save >10h / week.

4 solved challenges in in less than 6 months

175% Net Revenue Retention with TOP 20 Clients in less than 6 months

Cito increased their revenue by +20% each month with +60% more ICP-Customers

1 solved challenges in under 3 months

Ramped Up 5 New Sales Reps in under 3 months

SalesPlaybook helped us with a clear and structured approach to build sales skills for our new team and saved us a lot of time.

5 solved challenges in less than 9 months

How Brame scaled 2x ARR at 50% lower sales CAC in less than 6 months

Nicola & his 2 co-founders built Brame as a gamification marketing B2B SaaS to help world-class brands such as SPAR, Bipa & Würth to create their own gamification experiences in a modular system

Du willst Sales schnell skalieren?

Vermeide kostspielige Fehlentscheidungen und skaliere deinen Vertrieb in Monaten statt in Jahren (falls überhaupt).

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