Success Cases

How Skribble Wins RFPs with Value Selling in less than 9 months

Skribble Doubles ACV by Transforming to Value Selling and Outbound

The collaboration was always very pleasant and highly focused. As I mentioned, you identify the real issues and don’t sugarcoat anything.

Philipp Dick
Co-founder & CEO

The Challenge

After Skribble rapidly scaled from 0 to a seven-figure ARR through inbound inquiries, the market landscape shifted drastically, making the existing go-to-market strategy less effective. To successfully scale sales post-Series A, a new, more proactive Sales Playbook was needed.

Transforming the Sales Team from Inbound to Value Selling + Outbound

"The advantage for us was that we had a solution during the pandemic that was easy and quick to implement. Companies onboarded their employees without extensive training and rolled it out seamlessly. However, as the pandemic ended, competitors started catching up.

That’s when we had to transition our team from an inbound-driven motion to a value-based selling outbound team. This came with challenges, as our sales team was used to reacting when prospects reached out to them rather than proactively driving sales." (Philipp - 01:50-02:40)

Winning an RFP with an International Airport by Accessing Decision-Makers

"Larger projects rarely happen through inbound alone. You need to be actively engaged in RFPs, develop the right strategy, and execute with the right sales plays to win them.

We successfully won an RFP with an international airport using this approach. But the key first step is gaining access to the right stakeholders—the people who actually make the decisions." (Philipp - 05:30-06:00)

+100% Average Contract Value (ACV)

"Deal size was a major focus for us. The goal was for sales to prioritize larger deals, take the necessary time to follow up, and engage the right stakeholders with a clear strategy to significantly increase the average deal size.

Previously, our ACV was around CHF 10,000. Now, it has nearly doubled to CHF 20,000—and we’re working to push it even higher." (Philipp - 07:40-09:00)

Targeted Change Management, Even in Challenging Situations

"The collaboration was always very pleasant and highly focused. As I mentioned, you identify the real issues and don’t sugarcoat anything. I think that’s crucial when embarking on this kind of journey.

Change management is always challenging, so having a partner with experience—who can anticipate what will happen when certain steps are taken—is invaluable. You helped us set up a clear, step-by-step plan and execute it effectively. It worked really well, and I can definitely recommend it." (Roni - 13:20-14:00)

👉 Start your own sales transformation?


5 solved challenges in less than 3 months
Transformation Sales Team von Inbound auf Value Selling + Outbound
Gelöste Herausforderungen
Gewinne deine Zeit zurück
Mangelnder Message-Market-Fit
Mangel an qualifizierter Pipeline
Steigere die Sales Velocity
Verkaufe größere, profitable Deals
High Intensity
Result in less than 3 months
Call buchen
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