Success Cases

How Nexoya Tripled ARR from Six to Seven Figures and secured their Series A funding in the process

Nexoya tripled their ARR from six to seven figures and successfully raised their Series A. Here are five key learnings on how they also increased their ACV from five to six figures:

Alen Cerovina
Chief Sales Officer

1️⃣ Bigger Clients 👉 Bigger Problems 👉 Higher ACV

Two years ago, Nexoya’s ACV (Average Contract Value) was still in the four-figure range.
By targeting a different customer segment, Alen and his team secured six-figure deals.
This shift allowed them to invest significantly more in quality per customer within their go-to-market and sales strategy.

2️⃣ Enterprises "forgive more – but at a higher level"

The core problem must be solved with a high level of professionalism.
Once that’s achieved, these customers are willing to invest in other areas.
Beyond the technical SaaS solution, world-class service becomes essential.

3️⃣ Professional Services Increase Net Revenue Retention (NRR)

Twelve months ago, services were less relevant for SMB customers.
For corporates, they are critical to accelerating time-to-value.
Higher adoption and customer satisfaction lead to improved Net Revenue Retention.

4️⃣ Investing in Training & Coaching the Sales Team Pays Off

Alen personally invested a significant amount of time in training his sales reps.
Only with proper training can they achieve sustainable success in today’s market.
At peak times, Alen dedicated up to 10 hours per week to sales training.

5️⃣ Still Day 1 – Always Moving Forward with Structure & Professionalism

Alen and his team frequently attend industry events to stay ahead of market trends.
These events are professionally planned weeks in advance.
Once on-site, they operate in a highly structured way to generate leads efficiently.

By the way—since their Series A, Nexoya has continued growing at 10% month-over-month

👉 Alen is actively hiring SDRs and Account Managers!


9 solved challenges in less than 18 months
Founder-led sales to sales team
Built sales capabilities and mindset
Gelöste Herausforderungen
Mangelnder Message-Market-Fit
Mangel an ICP-Awareness & Vertrauen
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Schließe mehr Deals ab
Steigere die Effizienz
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Result in less than 18 months
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