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Success Stories

Unique scaled 0-7-figure ARR in less than 18 months.

B2B SaaS

Unique scaled 0-7-figure ARR in <18 months. Here’s how they did it despite a ICP pivot and related changes:

(…)“I think (SalesPlaybook) is a massive added value for any Startup!
Patrick Trümpi
Patrick Trümpi
Chief Sales Officer

1️⃣ Know your customers inside-out
Patrick “grew up” sales-wise selling financial products before B2B SaaS.

These insights prove now helpful at selling to FS clients with Unique.

👉Successful B2B sales today requires some domain expertise.

2️⃣ Building a world-class sales team before product-market-fit is…

…traditionally NOT the way to go as it is very costly since inefficient,
…but also increases learning speed dramatically due to traction.
👉Invest into your sales motion to achieve product-market-fit is necessary.

3️⃣ Enterprise sales requires intelligent sales people.
Going upmarket from SMB to enterprise sales is challenging.

Some sales reps embraced this going from SDR to enterprise full-stack AEs.

Other sales reps also are not suitable for selling complex solutions to CxOs.
👉Enterprise buyers request Intelligence from sales people - not only attitude.

4️⃣ Give your sales reps external coaching & training as a “3rd source”

“Hungry” Unique sales reps like Sofian benefitted tremendously from external coaching.

Even if you as a founder / sales leader “teach & preach” identical lessons to your team…
…sales reps often implement them faster, more consistently from external inputs
👉Invest into external Sales Enablement with partners with the same beliefs.

5️⃣ Pay normal salaries and let people invest into the company
Unique treats employees as entrepreneurial colleagues.
They receive market-based “normal” salaries.

They can then invest up to 10% into stock options.

👉Hire entrepreneurial people as a fast-growing startup.

👉 Get your free Unique account here:

Short Facts

Trained first sales reps
Solved Challenges
Pipeline Generation
High Intensity
Result in less than 18 months
Mid Intensity
Result in less than 18 months
Slow Intensity
Result in less than 18 months
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