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Success Stories

Scaling Enterprise Sales with HubSpot with Thomas Kofler, CCO Cargoo

B2B SaaS

Thomas Kofler is an experienced GTM professional with 15+ years of B2B (Enterprise) SaaS GTM experience that joined Cargoo as Chief Commercial Officer in December 2023, tasked to build up B2B SaaS Sales basically from scratch.

Thomas Kofler
Thomas Kofler

Implement the whole buyer journey in HubSpot within 6 months

“Without systems, forget it, you can't manage your sale process, you can't manage your difficult or your challenging sales processes. And we are using HubSpot for that. We started from scratch with HubSpot.

And this is an important message actually: We also looked from a system perspective that we can cover those three areas. Marketing, creating the awareness, seamless integrated into sales, and then seamless integrated into customer success. So that has been established as well in the last 6 months with the people that we onboarded in our organization, but also with external help from SalesPlaybook.

We are in sales, so we are focusing on one thing: Selling, right?

We are not here to establish systems and parameter systems…We understand what we need to do and let's get the external expert to set up the systems so that we can walk and run with our sales process!” (04:30-06:00)

Built Weighted Sales Pipeline from 0 to 7-figures in <9 months

“Sales is in the execution mode and the systems and the processes that have been led by sales will be built up by other expert or externals. Absolutely a must. And at the end, the success shows it. We started with a very, very small pipeline, even nonexisting. And at the moment we are looking at after eight months at 1.5 to 2 million weighted pipeline.

And that's quite a success, given the fact that, again, we have sales cycles that go 12 months, they go to 18 months, and have the ability at the moment to, you know, the chance that we close two large deals with an ACV beyond 250 ,000 over a three years contract, which is beautiful, I must say, which is absolutely beautiful in that respect.” (08:30-09:00)

Keep the sales team focused on their job: Selling

“Companies need to understand that we talk about complex sales processes here. And I think if you bring in SalesPlaybook it's important that you explain the complexity of the process. It is important that you have discipline in executing your process and really taking care of all those different sales stages that you have.

SalesPlaybook, they understand what a complex sales process is, and can help you with putting that into HubSpot. As I said, let them do that. Don't do that by yourself. (11:30-12:00)

Master Enterprise Sales with SalesPlaybook?

Short Facts

Implement the whole buyer journey in HubSpot within 6 months
Build Weighted Sales Pipeline from 0 to 7-figures in less than 9 months
Keep the sales team focused on their job: Selling
Solved Challenges
Hubspot Services
Pipeline Generation
High Intensity
Result in less than 9 months
Mid Intensity
Result in less than 9 months
Slow Intensity
Result in less than 9 months
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